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        <div class="section-container">\n            <h3>Position(s) I am Applying for</h3>\n            <h5>New York Office -  Litigation Associate</h5>\n            <div class="row">\n                <div class="form-group">\n                    <label class="control-label"> </label>\n                    <div class="form-field">\n

The New York office of Blank Rome LLP has an opening for a Litigation Associate with at least 4-5 years of litigation experience. Candidates should have experience in complex business litigation in state and federal courts with a focus on New York courts.  Relevant experience should include outstanding research capabilities, drafting pleadings and motions, conducting written discovery, managing large scale document reviews, taking/defending depositions, and attending court conferences and hearings.  Trial experience is preferred.  Candidates must be self-motivated, personable team players and have outstanding academic and professional credentials, and must be admitted to practice in New York.  Admission to New Jersey is preferred.  This position is open to recruiting agency submissions at this time.

The target annual pay range for this role in New York City is $295,000 - $330,000 plus bonuses based on performance.  Positions outside of New York City will be subject to annual pay ranges specific to the market for that particular geographic location.  Actual pay will vary depending upon various factors, including relevant experience and skillset.  The compensation range listed is just one component of Blank Rome’s total compensation package for employees. In addition, Blank Rome provides a comprehensive suite of benefits to promote health and financial security, including medical, dental, and vision insurance as well as life, accident, and disability insurance plans. The firm also provides the opportunity to participate in 401(k) retirement benefits, commuter benefits, and well-being programs.

\n All headhunter submissions must be directed to Erica Rovinsky (Erica.Rovinsky@blankrome.com).  Do NOT submit via web application.\n
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\n","datePosted":"2023-08-02T02:04:20.914Z","validThrough":"2023-10-25","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Blank Rome","description":"Blank Rome offers businesses with legal and consulting services that focus on public and corporate transactions, litigation, and regulatory issues. It offers its services for the aviation, chemical, consumer financial services, energy, entertainment and new media, funds and investment management, gaming, healthcare, insurance, life sciences, maritime, private equity, real estate, software, sports, and venture capital industries. Blank Rome has offices in Boca Raton, Los Angeles, Princeton, Washington, Cincinnati, New York, San Francisco, Wilmington, Fort Lauderdale, Philadelphia, Houston, Pittsburgh, Tampa, and Shanghai. It was founded in 1936.","numberOfEmployees":1543,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Philadelphia, PA, USA"}},{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"New Philadelphia, PA, USA"}}],"sameAs":"https://blankrome.com","url":"https://blankrome.com","logo":"https://cdn.getro.com/companies/28111764-4f8b-530e-9ed0-172457893ba4","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Italy-America Chamber of Commerce","description":"Founded in New York in 1887, The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) is an independent, private, not-for-profit US Corporation devoted to fostering trade, tourism, investments and economic cooperation between Italy and the United States.","logo":"https://cdn.filepicker.io/api/file/0TOfqrEFRgOvbayn0hVt","url":"jobs.italchamber.org"},"keywords":"Government and Military, Legal, Professional Services, Security"}}

Litigation Associate 

Blank Rome

Blank Rome

Posted on Wednesday, August 2, 2023
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Position(s) I am Applying for

New York Office - Litigation Associate

The New York office of Blank Rome LLP has an opening for a Litigation Associate with at least 4-5 years of litigation experience. Candidates should have experience in complex business litigation in state and federal courts with a focus on New York courts.  Relevant experience should include outstanding research capabilities, drafting pleadings and motions, conducting written discovery, managing large scale document reviews, taking/defending depositions, and attending court conferences and hearings.  Trial experience is preferred.  Candidates must be self-motivated, personable team players and have outstanding academic and professional credentials, and must be admitted to practice in New York.  Admission to New Jersey is preferred.  This position is open to recruiting agency submissions at this time.

The target annual pay range for this role in New York City is $295,000 - $330,000 plus bonuses based on performance.  Positions outside of New York City will be subject to annual pay ranges specific to the market for that particular geographic location.  Actual pay will vary depending upon various factors, including relevant experience and skillset.  The compensation range listed is just one component of Blank Rome’s total compensation package for employees. In addition, Blank Rome provides a comprehensive suite of benefits to promote health and financial security, including medical, dental, and vision insurance as well as life, accident, and disability insurance plans. The firm also provides the opportunity to participate in 401(k) retirement benefits, commuter benefits, and well-being programs.

 All headhunter submissions must be directed to Erica Rovinsky (Erica.Rovinsky@blankrome.com).  Do NOT submit via web application.